Bob Dylan opäť teší svojich fanúšikov. Na jeseň si pripravil nielen turné, ale aj exkluzívnu troj-diskovú kolekciu "Tell Tale Signs". Bude to už v poradí ôsmi zo spevákových "Bootleg Series"albumov. Táto nádherná zbierka dorazí do obchodov 7. októbra.

Internetová stránka Boba Dylana ponúka možnosť zadarmo si stiahnuť pieseň "Dreamin' of You," ktorá pochádza ešte z roku 1998, nahraná bola počas nahrávacích sedení k albumu "Time Out of Mind," producentom skladby je Danielom Lanoisom.

Track list zasahuje spevákovu 20-ročnú kariéru. Nájdeme v ňom aj zopár nevydaných piesní a nových verzií Dylanových klasík ako "Time Out of Mind," "Modern Times," "Oh Mercy" a "World Gone Wrong."

Tento exkluzívny troj-CD balíček bude obsahovať aj soundtracky ako "Huck's Tune" k filmu Lucky You, "Cross the Green Mountain" k filmu Gods and Generals. Takisto tu nájdeme aj spoločnú nahrávku s Ralphom Stanleym "The Lonesome River" k snímke Clinch Mountain Country.
Bob Dylan sa vydá na turné po Amerike na začiatku septembra.

Tracklist "Tell Tale Signs":

Disc one:
"Mississippi" (Unreleased, "Time Out of Mind")
"Most of the Time" (Alternate version, "Oh Mercy")
"Dignity" (Piano demo, "Oh Mercy")
"Someday Baby" (Alternate version, "Modern Times")
"Red River Shore" (Unreleased, "Time Out of Mind")
"Tell 'Ole Bill" (Alternate version, "North Country" soundtrack)
"Born in Time" (Unreleased, "Oh Mercy")
"Can't Wait" (Alternate version, "Time Out of Mind")
"Everything is Broken" (Alternate version, "Oh Mercy")
"Dreamin' of You" (Unreleased, "Time Out of Mind")
"Huck's Tune" (From "Lucky You" soundtrack)
"Marching to the City" (Unreleased, "Time Out of Mind")
"High Water (For Charley Patton)" (Live, Niagara, 2003)

Disc two:
"Mississippi" (Unreleased version #2, "Time Out of Mind")
"32-20 Blues" (Unreleased, "World Gone Wrong")
"Series of Dreams" (Unreleased, "Oh Mercy")
"God Knows" (Unreleased, "Oh Mercy")
"Can't Escape From You" (Unreleased, December 2005)
"Dignity" (Unreleased, "Oh Mercy")
"Ring Them Bells" (Live at the Supper Club, 1993)
"Cocaine Blue" (Live, Vienna, Va., 1997)
"Ain't Talkin'" (Alternate version, "Modern Times")
"The Girl On The Greenbriar Shore" (Live, 1992)
"Lonesome Day Blues" (Live, Sunrise, Fla., 2002)
"Miss the Mississippi" (Unreleased, 1992)
"The Lonesome River" (With Ralph Stanley, from "Clinch Mountain Country")
"'Cross The Green Mountain" (From "Gods and Generals" soundtrack)

Disc three:
"Duncan And Brady" (Unreleased, 1992)
Cold Irons Bound" (Live, Bonnaroo, June 2004)
"Mississippi" (Unreleased version #3, "Time Out of Mind")
"Most Of The Time" (Alternate version #2, "Oh Mercy")
"Ring Them Bells" (Alternate version, "Oh Mercy")
"Things Have Changed" (Live, Portland, Oregon, 2000)
"Red River Shore" (Unreleased version #2, "Time Out of Mind")
"Born In Time" (Unreleased version #2, "Oh Mercy")
"Tryin' To Get To Heaven" (Live, London, 2000)
"Marchin' To The City" (Unreleased version #2, "Time Out of Mind")
"Can't Wait" (Alternate version #2, "Time Out of Mind")
"Mary And The Soldier" (Unreleased, "World Gone Wrong")


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